Success Stories

Case #1

A driven student who always excelled in academics wished to keep it that way. Navigating the challenges and pressures of a difficult private school in both academics & athletics, the student wished to stay on top of things. Whether it be math or in science, week in and week out, we focused on the knowledge & the skills required, and even enjoyed the topics at hand, which yielded outstanding results on the assessments. The student performed on such a high level for all four years of high school, that they got into each of their top three reach schools. Their future was wide open with possibilities.

Case #2

A struggling student aiming for a 30 on the ACT kept falling a little short. After several attempts and countless practice exams, the parents and especially the student were about ready to throw in the towel. Having helped the student in Calculus already and established a friendly rapport, they asked if I could help with one last push for the next, and ultimately last, ACT. In a series of 6 1-hour weekly sessions, I helped boost the students confidence and gave simple, yet solid, approaches for each of the sections with a specific focus on the Science section. The student boosted their Science Score by 4 points and their overall ACT score by 3 points. They got their desired 30 on the ACT and was accepted to their school of choice.

Case #3

A community college student had a low D in a statistics class going into the final. A 90% was needed on the final to get a passing C grade, else the course would need to be redone. Not an option. However, the student had never scored higher than a 68% on any one test. Working over a period of three weeks prior to the final, with a handful of sessions, the student passed the class with a 92% on the final.

Case #4

A high school student had a 48% going into the last month of school with incomplete homework, missed quizzes, & extremely low test scores prior to our meeting. In a matter of 2 weeks and 8 sessions, we got caught up and turned in all missing homework, retook a bad test, and aced the final. The student was ecstatic. The class was passed. No summer school necessary.

Case #5

A talented artistic student needed to get through his math class to attend a wonderful art school. The student and the teacher did not get along. The student was uninterested in the class and was in danger of failing. After 2 months of weekly tutoring, the student not only got to enjoy the subject, but got one of the highest grades on the final. The teacher accused him of cheating only to call his mother and have her tell the teacher about me.